Sunday, March 15, 2009

Notice about blogosophy and current operations here

Blog visits happening

I’ve learned that this blog now has a few readers and other visitors. Wow! A week or two ago, I installed Google Analytics to find my blog had about 5 visitors that day — quite enough to make me happy. But the following day, to my surprise, a well-known blog posted about my TIMN work, and visits here soared to 222 that day. After that, visits moved into the 40-50 a day range, and now, perhaps because I’ve not posted anything lately, more like 15.

All these visit ranges sound like good attention to me. I’m not looking for a limelight (I even gave the blog as boring and unattractive, though accurate, a name as I could think of). But the attention is an interesting development, and gives me pause to clarify a few things.

Near- and long-term objectives

As I noted in my very first post, my immediate goal for this blog is to enable me to post materials that have been sitting on my computer here at home for years about STA and TIMN matters. Posting gives me a sensation of quasi-publication — of being productive, making progress, remaining on track, still in the mix a bit. This means I do not initially care whether the blog is seen much.

But I also have a long-term goal for the blog: a gradual accumulation over several years of what I know about the STA and TIMN frameworks. If this is accompanied by my achieving formal publications elsewhere, all the better. If not, at least I will have stored enough here to help others circulate and continue thinking about STA and TIMN. Maybe they (you?) can do a better job eventually. I remain convinced of the theoretical and practical potentials of these two sets of ideas. And this means I will increasingly care that the blog is read.

Comments appreciated, but with a caveat (and a glitch)

Right now, here’s an important operational point: I welcome and appreciate comments on the posts. And the more this blog goes on, the more I am likely to do so. But I remain unlikely to engage in replying here — partly because I’m a fairly quiet guy, but mainly because I can’t figure out how to insert a comment in the comments area here at my own blog. I’ve tried and been rejected several times, even after changing settings and browsers. I’m regarding it as an omen to continue refraining from replying directly here.

However, I read all comments. I have the blog set to inform me when a comment is left, and I usually do reply via email. Please be sure to offer me some way to locate you if you leave a comment (NB: there’s an email address in the “About Me” area). Moreover, I do engage in commenting at other blogs — and have had no technical problems doing so — if materials from here come under discussion there, as has happened a couple of times.

[UPDATE: As a result of another effort to fix the blog's settings, I'm able to post comments here. The glitch I note above no longer exists.]


And now I better get back to trying to finish the next post about millenarian terrorism from an STA perspective. It's not been easy going. Then I want to get back to some TIMN matters.

But since baseball season is about to start, perhaps I will post something about a friend’s saying that “God invented baseball.” I think it can be given an STA analysis, hopefully without getting me in trouble with any millenarian fundamentalists.


Charles Cameron (hipbone) said...

Thanks for that.

I'm holding off on posting in response to your millennial terrorism posts to allow you to complete the series, but hope to chime in at that point, and perhaps direct some of my religious studies colleagues in your direction. I suspect "end times thinking" tends to be ignored as irrational, populist and hence "infra dig" -- both by policy makers in the West and by the more cautious theologians and practitioners of both Christianity and Islam -- so I am most grateful to see you shedding light on the topic.

Kevin Carson said...

Keep 'em coming, David. I'm surprised your blog has a low profile, considering you're such a central figure in the theory of networked resistance.

Of course blog readership stats have become increasingly understated over the past few years as more and more people subscribe to feed. If you're using Sitemeter or some such, the RSS readers don't show up.